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Fire in South Dadeland, Dixie Hwy. #Miami, FL. – Incendio al Sur de US1 en Miami, Florida.

A fire at an auto body shop in South Dadeland Miami-Dade broke today in the afternoon. The officials  said the fire was under control. … [Read more...]

Why is Miami “The Magic City”?

by REBEKKAH MAR When I graduated from high school, I wanted to escape the hectic traffic, crowded beaches, and nightlife of Miami, Florida. But once I spent a year in Gainesville, I ached to come home. The city lacked Miami's diversity, culture, and history. I realized that I took the city for granted and never explored the depth of as to why Miami is known as "The Magic City." The label "The Magic City" was coined when Miami transformed from a small pioneer town in 1900 of 1,618 residents to a city containing 29,549 residents only twenty years later. This transformation led to new transportation developments as well as tourist resorts. Miami's population only continued to increase. After World War II, families moved to the area due to the accessibility of military training … [Read more...]

“Arlene” llega a las Costas Mexicanas.

Miami, FL.- Como el mapa del Centro Nacional de Huracanes de los Estados Unidos (NOAA siglas en inglés) lo muestra, las zona en color rojo,  dónde entro la tormenta tropical “Arlene” a las costas mexicanas, aproximadamente a las 7:00 de esta mañana. Se espera posibilidades de ciclón tropical en la zona señalada en el mapa con el punto negro; sin embargo como indica NOAA,  es importante mencionar que los efectos de un ciclón tropical, puede expanderse a ciento de millas de distancia fuera del centro. El área podría ser impactada con vientos fuertes como los de un Huracán, de hasta 74mph, promedio, mencionó NOAA en su reporte. "No se descarta la posibilidad" de que "Arlene" se intensifique, señaló un reporte del Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) … [Read more...]


by Adriana Ramos Who's Rose? Rose Mapendo is a Congolese woman from Banyamulenge Tutsi, a tribe from the High Plateauxregion of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In August 1998, a new rebellion broke out in eastern DRC. Banyamulenge and other Tutsi were attacked, killed orimprisoned. Her harrowing experience included the nighttime arrest of her entire familyby governmental agents, the execution of her husband, birth to their twin sons while inprison, and grim negotiations with prison guards to save the lives of her children. Thehorror finally ended when she and her family were rescued from a refugee camp. The Mapendos currently live in Phoenix, Arizona. Since their relocation, they reside inan airy home on a quiet street. The children play basketball in the driveway … [Read more...]

Annual Conference of The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)

Miami, FL. 21-23 of July The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) – the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States – works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Through its network of nearly 300 affiliated community-based organizations (CBOs), NCLR reaches millions of Hispanics each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. NCLR is recognized as the most effective, influential, and respected Hispanic organization in the country, serving as a voice in Washington, DC for Hispanic Americans. NCLR's Annual Conference is the largest gathering of its kind in the Hispanic community, serving as the meeting ground for over 20,000 community organization leaders, activists, and volunteers; elected and appointed … [Read more...]