Coral Gables, FL., April 7, 2015. Today we have County Elections in Miami-Dade. Voting is one of our constitutional rights (1), and we need to be inform of the options we have to exercise our right (2). Some Miami-Dade voting precincts have changed due to reprecincting. This may affect where you vote, so go to the main website of Miami-Dade.Gov and find your precinct location at: Location In the case of Coral Gables the options are as follows: This is a Copy of the Master Ballot – Coral Gables General Biennial Election 4/14/15:ZR:2/23/15 OFFICIAL GENERAL BIENNIAL ELECTION BALLOT CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA APRIL 14, 2015 BOLETA OFICIAL DE LAS ELECCIONES BIENALES GENERALES CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 14 DE ABRIL DEL 2015 FOR MAYOR - GROUP I PARA ALCALDE - GRUPO I (Vote for … [Read more...]
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