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Por LUIS ARIEL RAMOS Ante la insistencia del gobierno federal de que este mismo año habrá reforma energética, se agitan las inquietudes de quienes están a favor o en contra. En todos los Foros Internacionales a los que asiste como observador o participante el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, ha declarado con firmeza, que el proyecto es necesario para que México crezca económicamente. Inclusive funcionarios de todos los niveles de su gobierno, advierten la urgencia de que LA REFORMA, será el pivote que dispare al país hacia la modernidad a que obliga el siglo actual. Por lo pronto y aún cuando OFICIALMENE NO SE CONOCE TEXTO ALGUNO QUE SEÑALE SI EL MENCIONADO PROYECTO SERÁ LIGHT O DE GRAN CALADO, ya hay a la fecha dos posiciones encontradas: la del presidente de Acción … [Read more...]

Did you #hashtag today? June 30th, Miami’s Social Media Day! #SMDAYMIA

by REBEKKAH MAR What comes to mind when you think about Miami? Probably the diverse culture, high fashion, sweltering heat, and championship basketball. But would technology make that list? Many entrepreneurs who are managing startup technology businesses in this cosmopolitan city question whether their companies can succeed as well as Silicon Valley companies. Well, Social Media Day of Miami, is the answer. Alex Carvalho along with a team of fifteen organizers successfully hosted Mashable’s world wide free event, #SMDAYMIA or Miami’s Social Media Day. June 30th, 2013, not only marked a day where young entrepreneurs could receive advice for their startup companies and learn about the changing industry, but this was the first official Social Media Day of Miami as proclaimed by Miami … [Read more...]


por Luis Ariel Ramos Aprobó el Senado estadounidense por 68 votos contra 32, la iniciativa que podría beneficiar a once millones de indocumentados que laboran, viven y trabajan en el vasto territorio estadounidense. La histórica votación, recoge el trabajo de 8 legisladores demócratas y republicanos que se unieron para presentar un trabajo que surgió después de que el voto de los migrantes, favoreció mayoritariamente la reelección del presidente Barack Obama, durante las elecciones efectuadas en noviembre del año pasado. Es un gigantesco paso para darle legalidad a la estadía de hombres y mujeres llegados de todos los rincones de Latinoamérica a la tierra en donde han encontrado el trabajo que no tenían en sus lugares de origen. SON mayoritariamente mexicanos, pero todos … [Read more...]

Soaring to new heights, the review of the Adrienne Arsht Center’s 8cho Miami

by REBEKKAH MAR Thursday night, June 20th 2013, the streets of downtown Miami were filled with enthusiastic frenzied Heat fans crowding sport bars and cheering in the stadium. However, a few blocks away from the packed American Airlines Arena, one could see a group of people rushing to the Adrienne Arsht Center’s Ziff Ballet Opera House for the premiere of the anticipated 8cho. Instead of sporting white Heat shirts, Adrienne Arsht ticket holders clutched their programs and showed as much excitement as the loyal Miami Heat fans as they rushed toward the Opera House to watch the “must see” aerial tango spectacle. That night the Miami Heat fans were not the only winners. The performances were filled with culture, passion, music, and of course, the tango. But it was not just an … [Read more...]

Summer Shorts 2013

The nationally acclaimed City Theater’s Annual Summer Shorts Festival has returned to Miami’s Adrienne Arsht Center’s Carnival Studio Theater for their 18th season and I was so excited to see it. I must have looked ridiculous as I was literally laughing till my glasses fell off, but I wasn’t alone. People were holding their sides roaring with laughter while others just politely covered their mouths. All I can say is that the performances were refreshing, provocative, and down-right hilarious. The plays were definitely not for a family night out, but for a sophisticated and more mature audience, it was perfect. This was Miami live theatre at its best! Summer Shorts consisted of ten plays, including several world premieres, performed by Irene Adjan, Ken Clement, Todd Allen … [Read more...]