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Aggressive Ransomware campaign was recently released

A particularly aggressive Ransomware campaign was recently released.  It was observed and mention by several Companies around the world, their IT departments had notified that more than 120,000 E-Mails were sent daily over the last weeks. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and demands payment for the decryption key. In the latest strain: The spam subject is an empty, “Fw:”, with a zip file attachment named: The body of the message indicates that the attachment contains requested invoices in Excel file format. The other campaign was sent with subject “Profile” containing a similar zip file attachment. The name of that attached file is: As always, we suggest … [Read more...]

Latin America’s Top 50 Brands

Analyzing the 50 most valuable brands in Latin America is not an easy task. Last week Millward Brown and MPP just did that, released their fourth annual Brand in Latin America,  they analyzed the region's six top economies: Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina (PDF Doc Report). The 83 pages reports includes a extend breakout of the top 50 brands by country, even do there is been a despite slow economic growth in Latin America, they rise a 2% y/y/y. Some of the highlights include; Mexico, 17 top 50 brands, $49.4 billion value, +15% y/o/y Brazil, 11 top 50 brands, $32 billion value, +5% y/o/y Chile, 7 top 50 brands, $19.4 billion value, -23% y/o/y Colombia, 9 top 50 brands, $19.3 billion value, -4% y/o/y Peru, 4 top 50 brands, $6.1 billion value, +15% … [Read more...]


Por LUIS ARIEL RAMOS ¿A que vino realmente el presidente Barack Obama? Es la pregunta que cruza de norte a sur y de oriente a poniente, el vasto territorio nacional. Políticos, analistas, comentaristas, editorialistas, reporteros y pueblo en general han dado vuelo a las más variadas versiones; reconozco que todas tienen visos de realidad, pero soy de los que creen que tendremos que esperar a que Wikileaks, ponga fin al misterio. Incluso en los Estados Unidos, los grandes diarios como New York Times, Washington Post y Wall Street –por mencionar a los más conocidos- han publicado diferentes opiniones de las declaraciones de los dos presidentes y de lo que no se dijo en torno a la visita. Quizá las más recurrentes, se refieran al deseo del mandatario visitante de … [Read more...]

¿Qué ha pasado en Perú desde que Humala llegó al poder?

Jorge Uribe Piedrahíta Comunicador Social/Periodista Después de cumplirse 100 días de la era Humala en Perú, los analistas determinan que el Presidente Peruano no ha interrumpido el crecimiento económico de los incas, trabaja arduamente por la inclusión social, ha tomado decisiones que generan incertidumbre y tiene un segundo vicepresidente denunciado por presunto tráfico de influencias. El ex militar de tendencia izquierdista, que asumió el poder a sus 49 años, cuenta con un 62% de popularidad, según un sondeo de la consultora Ipsos Apoyo, divulgado en octubre; esta cifra es superior a la que gozaba su antecesor, Alán García. Según analistas, el alto nivel de aprobación se debe en buena parte a que Humala ha cumplido sus compromisos de campaña: No ha alterado el … [Read more...]


by Adriana Ramos In the last year, a visitor could spend a week in the United States, watching television, shopping and reading newspapers, then going back to their home place with no clue that immigration was a major issue in US and that more likely his next visit was going to change. Today, Immigration is the top topic of any major newspaper in any city of the Country, describe as “The main problem” the nation is facing. In many of the minds of our population, come all types of questions. Are this immigrants helping the country in any way?, Are they truly cooperating with the economy? Are they a heavy weight to the regular citizens? The questions can be found in many of the regular news on T.V., any entertainment host, political magazines, even Senators or Congressman … [Read more...]