EPISODE SUMMARY “Terrible diseases like smallpox, polio, yellow fever where, you know, the capital in the United States in those days, Philadelphia, in the 1700s, 10% of the population died. When you vaccinate against them, you prevent them, and they no longer are problems.” - Seth Berkley In today’s episode, co-hosts Dr. Celine Gounder and Ron Klain speak with Seth Berkley and Dr. Peter Hotez about a topic that has received a lot of attention lately-- vaccines. They discuss the processes involved in developing a vaccine for COVID-19, including when we can realistically expect a vaccine to become available to the public. They talk about the concept of herd immunity and how high vaccination rates are an essential component to this process. They also discuss the anti-vaxxer movement … [Read more...]
Keep informed by scientists. Listen to the podcast “EPIDEMIC” from Seth Berkley and Peter Hotez episode S1E25 / A COVID Vaccine.
What are the human rights considerations in the response to COVID-19?
Experts from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health offer science and evidence-based insights on the public health news of the day. The current focus is the novel coronavirus spreading around the world.
In today's @PublicHealthPod, @DrJoshS speaks with @LenRubenstein about the human rights issues involved in the novel #coronavirus epidemic. https://t.co/N0vpOR0ijYhttps://t.co/MqV0OODKdD— Public Health On Call (@PublicHealthPod) March 18, 2020 … [Read more...]
Parte un Gigante, Valentín Pimstein.

Eran las ocho de la noche, y el olor a buñuelos que cocinaba Glo, llegaba hasta los pies de la puerta de mi recamara. Rápidamente, tomaba mis pantuflas y desde el segundo piso, recorría las escaleras apresuradamente hacia las cocina. Glo, Carmen, Olegario, Erika suspiraban viendo el televisora, mis hermanos sentados, agitando los platos, estaban listos para la merienda. Por otro lado, sin saber por qué el sollozo de los adultos, tome mi lugar en la pequeña mesa antes del antecomedor, el olor del pinole llenaba las paredes de la cocina, enfrente de la isla se encontraba una repisas, en ella un televisor. “La telenovela Rina continuara en breve”, decía una voz desde la pantalla. Entre comerciales nos servían los buñuelos, ¿podemos más chocolate caliente? Preguntaba uno de mis … [Read more...]
NO HATE – Time to work

The elections are finally over, and we have a new President, Donald Trump. Whatever you thought it might not happen, happened. A candidate outside of the political arena won and became the most powerful man on earth. Regardless if you are a liberal, conservative or non-partisan you have to agree, the comparisons cannot be made with Donald Trump and any other President, such a candidate has never been seen in the history of the United States nor any other country. The Electoral College added up and the results were clear, Mr. Trump became the 45th President, even if the majority of the popular votes brought Clinton as the favorite for more than 48% vs. 47%. The election is done, but not the work that is a head. Now what? Marching against the electoral college’s vote’s results … [Read more...]
Nasty Women Vote

Yesterday, this “Nasty Women” did early voting. I hope that for all of the number of documents WikiLeaks keeps putting out there about Clinton, they would do the same on Trump. I ask myself; why have they not done it yet? Maybe that could give our nation a true perspective of the "dark ages" we may be heading towards when Trump wins. Yesterday RT Media reported [i]that Assange comments about the WikiLeaks publishing on Clinton emails “is not the interference of electoral process, this is the definition of electoral process – for media organizations and, in fact, everyone to publish the truth and their opinion about what is occurring. It cannot be free and informed elections unless people are free to inform” he said. If this is true, why then WikiLeaks does not … [Read more...]
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