A particularly aggressive Ransomware campaign was recently released. It was observed and mention by several Companies around the world, their IT departments had notified that more than 120,000 E-Mails were sent daily over the last weeks.
Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and demands payment for the decryption key.
In the latest strain:
The spam subject is an empty, “Fw:”, with a zip file attachment named: xls_convert_recipientname_randomnumber.zip.
The body of the message indicates that the attachment contains requested invoices in Excel file format.
The other campaign was sent with subject “Profile” containing a similar zip file attachment.
The name of that attached file is: recipientname_profile_randomnumber.zip.
As always, we suggest please do not open any attachments in E-mails unless you are sure of the origin and legitimate purpose of the message, if you received any of this type pf emails, contact the authorities immediately at Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Task Forces www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field MORE INFORMATION go to: FBI In Miami, please contact: https://www.fbi.gov/miami
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