by Adriana Ramos
The Nobel Price founded in 1901 an award in the city of Oslo, Stockholm have announced that the former Vice President Al Gore have been chosen as the 2007 Nobel Peace Price. Commotion in our earth, every were the news have been taken as an “inconvenient Truth”. Why?. Many persons around the globe will considered illogical to be award for a Documental (DVD) responsible to campaign awareness of the global warming, but the truth is that he JUST DID IT. By making this exceptional documental, many of us, many of our polititians are now AWARE OF GLOBAL WARMING, not by this we will take any merit and long WORK done by years, from several Institutions or Organizations as GREEN PEACE, as UNICEF, as CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL or several other Public or Private Institutions World Wide that have been committed to make the WORLD have a “true sensitive” of the GLOBAL WARMING. They, ALL does RESERCHERS, all does brilliant minds that have dedicated their lives, deserve this recognitions as well. But in the mean while, the “Inconvenient True” is that Mr. Vice President Al Gore have DELIVER THE MESSAGE. Congratulations for it!!!!!!!
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